芯片商城网站建设_上海简站商贸有限公司_自媒体平台注册入口在哪_知乎app开发公司 Abstract: This paper introduces the design of JSP enterprise portal website based on MySql database, through memory, read the data, use TomCat as the server to achieve. The basic function of Enterprise Portal: provides news, search notice management, management of enterprise information and product introduction and other functions. Including system maintenance, product management, user management, user registration, news management, message board management functions; implementation of each page plate data reading, storage, simple and generous Webpage design, meet the interaction between the enterprise and customers; easy to implement management requirements, to facilitate the administrator management news, announcements, product information, user information and so on. Portal and enterprise website is completely different in the frame of the system, portal to the design of the system is very high, whether the database operation workload, or the number of user groups for it requires a concurrent processing capability, the system stability and efficiency function, it needs to be considered in many integrated content.







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